3 Reasons Why You Can’t Get Enough Sleep


Ever wondered why you’re not getting enough sleep?

Let’s be honest – uni students are notoriously good at pulling the proverbial all-nighter. Be it for an assignment due in a few hours or last minute cramming for an exam, we somehow pull through to survive the next day fuelled by caffeine.


Needless to say, the next few days are probably the worst. You’re now caught up in a cycle of accumulated sleep debt and before you know it, you’re struggling to keep your eyes open.

Here are 3 common reasons why you don’t get enough shut-eye:

  1. Taking sleep for granted

Ok so you’ve probably heard the saying “sleep is for the weak” but before you totally dismiss the idea you might want to check out this article: What If You Stopped Sleeping?

When you sleep, the brain is actually forming memories and going through the day’s events. These are really important for your mind and body to repair and function.

2. Caffeine is your drug of choice

Tea and coffee are your worst enemy if you’re trying to get a restful night. The caffeine found in these drinks acts as a stimulant that keeps you alert and restless. Try lemon and warm water instead.

3.  Glued to your screen

Every night, every day or basically everywhere you go. Yes, we’re all guilty of this. What’s important is that you wind down at least 1 hour before bedtime. The light from your phone or computer screens trick your mind into thinking its daytime! Try reading a book or listening to relaxing music instead.

Join the sleep revolution! Choose to Snooze!


15 thoughts on “3 Reasons Why You Can’t Get Enough Sleep

  1. I admit… Sometimes when I can’t fall asleep, I’ll put my phone on max brightness to let the light strain my eyes til I can’t keep them open and nod off…It sounds terrible I know but I’m sure a lot of people nowadays do the same :/


  2. Not only am I on my phone too late at night but if I wake up during the night I “quickly” check my phone, which wakes me up even more and I end up not getting back to sleep for a few hours. I definitely need to turn it off a few hours before I sleep!!

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